It’s Christmas, Let’s Be Shitty

Nothing shows your loving nature like making fun of chubby people dancing.

I logged into Facebook today, and one of my ex-boyfriends was the latest culprit of “fat shaming.” I am so proud of the fact I used to stand beside this pillar of kindness. This guy took me to prom. He cannot dance to save a burning kitten.

I have absolutely snickered at things that immediately brought shame to my face. You cannot help what you find funny, but you don’t have to pass it along and fuel cruelty.

Dancing is like singing and playing chess for me: I suck at it, but I love it. I have no balance at all. I have always loved dancing, and I dance quite a bit. I do a lot quick little happy dances, too. I still do the, “I gotta dollar” dance. Hey, hey, hey… heyyy.

Some very kind and open-minded people have told me they thought I was a good dancer, but they just had the third eye that simply saw how much I loved doing it. When you freaking LOVE what you are doing it automatically looks like you are better at doing whatever you’re doing. I don’t need that third eye to say the video I watched today was of someone who was not a bad dancer, not bad at all. She was doing a little hoochie dance, and she was loving herself. The confidence was palpable.

How many of you need a few drinks before you get down? How many of you get hammered and still feel too shy move? I wish I could give everyone the gift of not caring how they look when they frantically flail about to music that pulses through veins and changes things- even if only for a moment.

I find a huge difference between ‘laughing at’ and ‘making fun of’ people. It’s a similar distinction to ‘laughing at’ verses ‘laughing with’.Β  Please don’t make fun of people who are enjoying one of the best things in the world that doesn’t cost a dime. Dancing is a therapy in itself, and it’s fucking free. Be jealous silently.

As for my tiny-minded former boyfriend, well, I live for facebook confrontation, so I commented. You don’t have to be shitty while doing so, but I think you should call people out when you see them making fun of a portly morsel dropping it like it’s hot. You’re putting Baby in the corner if you don’t.


11 thoughts on “It’s Christmas, Let’s Be Shitty

  1. I Googled “I gotta dollar dance” and got this:

    I may not dance very often, but I do enjoy moving my ass to a good beat once in awhile. In the privacy of my own home, of course. If you give me the web address for your ex-boyfriend’s Facebook page, I would be happy to drop by and make a comment. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

      1. This website is out to get me. I cannot click your links, hear audio to videos, and the goddamn thing unfollowed you a couple of weeks ago. I remember logging in and not seeing any posts from you on my feed and panicking. I immediately went to piecesodbipolar’s blog to ask what happened to our buddy and I saw a comment from you. I just re-followed and said nothing. The month before my comments were disappearing and reappearing. And half my meandering rambling would disappear when I would try to post. And people who find anything interesting are *the* most interesting people that exist. Just saying.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m currently having trouble with not receiving email notifications, like for comments. I try to remember where I left comments so I can go back and check for a response. WordPress has bugs like this all the time, but since it’s free, I try not to complain (too much). I think they always try and do the best they can.

        The reason I find a lot of things interesting is because I’m constantly searching for distraction from the pain. I don’t think that makes me an interesting person. Just saying. πŸ™‚

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